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Lean Body Mass Calculator
Lean Body Mass Formula: Lean Body Mass = Weight - (Weight * Body Fat %)

Lean Body Mass Definition
The Lean Body Mass Calculator is one of the numerous calculators available in the Health Calculator sector. It is similar to the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator and the Body Fat Calculator because it calculates only one factor of your weight. However, it is different from other calculators due to the fact that it follows an entirely different formula and serves a different purpose. So try this free calculator today!

How to calculate lean body mass?
The Lean Body Mass Calculator requires the following details to calculate your lean body mass.
  1. Weight in Pounds
  2. Body Fat (%)

Ideally, for a person who weighs 120 pounds and has a body fat percentage of 11%, the Lean Body Mass amounts to 106.80. This may not necessarily mean a person is fat or thin because every individual’s organ size and amount of muscle differs from another. Moreover, a person having more fat would have a higher lean body mass because it takes a larger amount of muscle to carry more fat in the body. Similarly, although everyone has the same number of bones in their body, they may not all weigh the same.

What is lean body mass?
A common misconception about lean body mass is that it equals a person’s ideal weight. However, the truth is that lean body mass is actually the sum of the weight of a person’s bones, muscles, organs and blood-everything except the fat. In other words, lean body mass has nothing to do with how “lean” a person would be if he/ she lost all that fat. In fact, it is impossible to stay alive without a minimal amount of fat in your body.

Why calculate lean body mass?
There is no concrete reason for calculating a person’s lean body mass since it does not tell a person how much weight they need to lose or gain. This calculator is mostly used by those who are curious to know how much they would weigh minus all the fat in their body.

Not a Substitute for Professional Help
Remember that the lean body mass calculator shows you only a part of your weight status. It is not a substitute for any guidance on weight loss. For ideas on how to lose or gain weight, it is best to get professional help. Your personal health trainer may take your BMI and Lean Body Mass into account but not rely on these factors entirely.

Difference Between BMI and Lean Body Mass
The BMI (Body Mass Index) of a person is calculated by taking into account the ratio of a person’s height and weight. It is used to calculate the amount of fat a person may have. BMI usually indicates whether a person is too thin or too fat based on their height weight ratio. The lean body mass, on the other hand, is not used for fat reduction. It is only used to find out how much a person would weigh with 0% fat.
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How to Calculate Lean Body Mass
Let's be honest - sometimes the best lean body mass calculator is the one that is easy to use and doesn't require us to even know what the lean body mass formula is in the first place! But if you want to know the exact formula for calculating lean body mass then please check out the "Formula" box above.